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Their mission is to save lives at any cost. But in New Jersey, the coronavirus has sickened so many emergency workers that some units are holding off on risky procedures like CPR. If this years Theatertreffen had gone ahead, it would have featured more women-led productions than ever before. Instead, an online version of the German festival features an even greater proportion. Courts are closed or operating on a limited basis, complicating efforts to end a marriage or renegotiate spousal support. Travel has come to a halt and no one quite knows when it will start moving again. But that shouldn't stop us planning our next trip. Here are the dream destinations of some people in the public eye. Leroy Sane has been heavily linked with a move to Bayern Munich, and Robert Lewandowski says that the German winger would be an excellent addition if he was to join the Bavarian giants. California's state university system, the largest in the United States, canceled classes on Tuesday for the fall semester because of the coronavirus, while Los Angeles County said its stay-at-home order was likely to be extended by three months. This report produced by Yahaira Jacquez. Two young Egyptians detained during the military-backed government's deadly crackdown on dissent face serious threats to their health after more than 100 days on hunger strike, according to medical lotriderm reports. Roger Federer reflects on the Tokyo 2020 Olympics -- where he has a shot at winning his first gold medal -- and gets quizzed on his rugby knowledge. The astronaut Anne McClain had faced accusations that she had improperly accessed a bank account from the International Space Station. But prosecutors said her accuser lied about some details. Known for his extraordinary fastball, Dalkowski never made it to the major leagues, walking batters almost as often as he struck them out. 'I think it's important to to put this on the table this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities and this virus may never go away.' Dr Mike Ryan told a Geneva press conference. June 18 - A bipedal robot modelled on the now extinct Velociraptor, can run faster than Usain Bolt, according to its developers. The Jamaican sprinter holds the 100 metres world record with a time of 9.58 seconds but South Korean researchers say their robot could leave him in the dust. Rob Muir reports. Join us for a visual tour of the island nation of Madagascar, about 90 percent of whose flora and fauna is found nowhere else on Earth. An Englishwoman proves it is possible to manage a business in 21st century Britain and make a modest living, without the use of modern-day technology. Hayley Platt looks at Dani Church's ferry business on the Suffolk coast, which has been in her family for 125 years. He got his start with TGI Fridays, a 60s hit on the bar scene, helped start Smith Wollensky, then opened his own Midtown steakhouse, drawing a tony crowd. Anne Pitcher, the Selfridges managing director, replies bluntly when asked how it felt to turn the lights out and pull up the shutters on Oxford Street's most iconic store. 'Awful,' she says. Angela Merkel started the year as a lame duck. Her succession plan had collapsed and her party was losing ground to the fringes. But as coronavirus spread across the globe, the German leader stepped up, helping to rescue her legacy in the process. View CNN's Fast Facts on Syria's Civil War to learn more about the on-going conflict, the escalating refugee crisis, and to view a timeline of events. More than three quarters (76 per cent) say it is 'unacceptable' for nannies to return to work with families they do not live with, and almost as many (73 per cent) feel the same way about cleaners. SAM BLITZ Clubs, fans and supporters are naturally delighted to see the Bundesliga return this weekend, but FC Schalke 04 are used to revival from desperate situations. Cancer has taken his voice, but the unlikeliest movie star in Hollywood history still has a lot he wants to say. A Palestinian surgeon, a Jewish patient, a Nazi medical text and an unlikely bond. Spain's daily coronavirus death toll rose on Thursday above 200 for the first time since May 8, the health ministry reported. Half of all golf courses are shut down. But across America and especially in Florida renegades are still getting their fix. One of Rebecca lotriderm Judd's friends accidentally exposed an embarrassing secret when she sent a message to the wrong WhatsApp group chat. On the bright side, if M.L.B. and the players union need to fight over the details about a return to play, it would mean such a return is possible. Beijing has suspended beef imports from four abattoirs and plans to slap huge tariffs on Australian barley after warning an inquiry could destroy two-way trade ties.

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